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Car Dealers in India

Car dealers play an important intermediary role in the promotion of brand equity and sale of a particular brand of cars. In the process, they build up the reputation and contribute towards the growth of the company's market share. In India, the role of car dealers was limited to a mere selling of cars that has undergone a substantial change in the recent times with dealers emerging as an important point of connect between the company and the customers for the cars. Car dealers of todays are expected to act as a catalyst to promote the sales of a car. At the first instance, car dealers are to have a good collection of cars. Car dealership depends on availability of the brand new cars and the location of the showroom.

Depending upon the brand and type of cars, dealer location ensures that the potential customers get the best of strategic advantages.The ambiance and the customer service are equally important. The customer should feel welcome at the car dealers place and the more a car dealer is able to generate that sort of feelings among his potential customers, the likelihood of car sales is to increase.

Customer Requirements

Sales associate at the new car dealer's place should be able to understand the exact requirements of the customer and accordingly explain the traits of the car that matches his needs. In addition, s/he should understand the customer preferences and likings and the auto dealer should ensure that all such feedback is reported back to the concerned company that will help them to make the changes in the car, if and where necessary.

Among the Indian car dealers, Maruti continues to be the numero uno. With a large dealer network spanning all parts of the country, including some of the remotest and high terrain areas, Maruti has maintained a clear lead with its car dealer network. Tata Motors too has bridged the gap considerably in recent months with greater aggression being shown in setting up dealer networks, especially in the towns and cities. Hyundai and Ford however, continue to maintain a car dealer network that remains limited broadly to the major towns and cities in the country. Chevy car dealers also have a good network.

You may also now find various car dealer websites that give ample information, preferably with illustrations, on each model of cars they intend to sell. This is good development considering the technologcal advancements.


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